Similarities Between Industrial Revolution And Imperialism

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The Industrial Revolution and Imperialism were closely connected to one another. The Industrialization called for materials from other lands and way to get those materials were the imperial conquest. The Industrial revolution made it much more possible for the country to take control of other empires and made it easier for Europeans to conquer every corner of the globe. It was more crucial that Industrialization led to European Imperialism but also there was a need to conquer empires to get the material needed for the industrialization.
The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes in the period from about 1760 to 1840. The Industrialization marked a shift to iron and textile industries, along with the development …show more content…

Charles Darwin was a biologist who developed the theory of evolution but also came up with the philosophy of survival of the fittest. Darwin’s ideas were often used by Social Darwinist, who talked about struggle and survival of the fittest in order to justify European imperialism. There were also countries who relied heavy on the conquest of other empires like England. England was known for being advanced but also having many sugar, spices, and textiles. In reality England was not producing really any of its products but were getting them from trading with other countries. The need for so much sugar and cotton that was demanded by England caused the exporting traders to come up with quicker and faster ways to export the goods. Early British industrialization had wide effects. Rapid production growth fueled exports because domestic demand could not keep peace. The Industrial Revolution prompt a major expansion of the west’s power in the world. Western nations could pour out far more processed goods than before which meant that they needed new markets. Nationalism was political viewpoint within Western Europe, that urged the importance of national unity valued a collective identify based on culture, race, or ethnic origin. The people of Europe believed there were the superior race to any other and believed that they should be the one to conquer the