
Similarities Between Judaism And Christianity

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When people view religion they don’t think that it comes from a different religion branch, but a deeper look into all religions you can see they all have a parent religion. For example, in order to fully understand Buddhism and also Christianity you first have to explore their root religion. They both stemmed from religions that have been around for hundreds of years. The religion Buddhism was founded by Gautama Buddha, however; Hinduism has no actual founder. Also, Christianity stemmed from Judaism. The one religion that differs vastly from the parent religion is Christianity, they have different beliefs and their views of God and Jesus

There are many similarities between Buddhism and Hinduism but also they have their differences. The first similarity between them is they both started in India (Brody). Also, they both believe in reincarnation, however, in Buddhism a person can find Enlightenment in one lifetime: Nirvana and in Hinduism believe that it takes more than one lifetime to reach: Moksha (Brodd 93,97,151). Hinduism believes there is no one God but Buddhism do not believe in worshipping a God (PowerPoint). They both have a concept to follow in life. In Buddhism, it is called the …show more content…

Both of these religions believe in one God. They both have a Holy Bible, Judaism is called the Torah, which is the old testaments and the Holy Bible which includes the new and old testaments. In Christianity, they believed Jesus as Christ in an embodiment of the Lord however in Judaism they believed it only to be a metaphor (Brodd 351). Paul was a disciple of Jesus which Jews rejected. They thought of his work to be a deviation and turned away believers of Jesus from the synagogue. Judaism and Christianity had their conflicts such as their philosophical standpoint. For example, the incompatible views of God, the covenant, and how deliverance is granted to God’s people (Brodd

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