Similarities Between Makenna Trumbles 'And Kris Bradleys' Answers

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In life, there are many different people who have very different backgrounds and upbringings. Which can lead to a wide variety of answers to questions, much like the ones that were used here. Two participants were interviewed to find out some of their past and see how that affects them today when they think of diversity. While some differences between Makenna Trumbles' and Kris Bradleys' answers are noticeable, the similarities are pronounced.

Trumbles' and Bradleys' answers were the same when it came to several questions. Such as question three, asking about the enjoyable activities in their lives. Trumble preferred to spend time with her son and playing video games, who, much like Bradley, preferred time with her immediate family and playing …show more content…

Bradley gave the example of a Rubik's cube and said, "The goal is to get all the colors on one side, in one neat package, which is nearly impossible." Trumble had mentioned that diversity to her "is used to portray the concept that everyone is different and goes through different experiences that shape them into the person they are." Bradley says it is trying to group them together while Trumble says that everyone is different. Much like in question in question fourteen asking about what makes their families feel safe, they are different because they have different backgrounds. Trumble said that her family is into guns and that is what makes them feel safe. While Bradley said that it makes her family feel safe to actually live in a house instead of a hotel. Bradley said her experience with living in a hotel is "Not …show more content…

Question nine is asking Trumble and Bradley if they are living life to the fullest. While Trumble answers no, because as she said, "I'm a broke single mother so that's pretty unsatisfying." Bradley answered that she feels she is living life to the fullest when she is meeting her goals. Much like question nine the chart shows how the both answered. With Trumble saying no and Bradley saying yes. Trumble had said, "I went from living on a farm where no cars or doors were ever locked so it has been a transition for me to live in a neighborhood where people walk through my yard." Trumble came from a smaller town so the transition to a bigger town has not been easy for her yet. Bradley and the chart indicated said she does feel safe where she lives because as she said, "I am not afraid of losing my home, it scares me but I feel confident it won't happen again."

I feel I did not get enough information from the two of them because of how the questions were delivered to them. Trumble had more open answers while Bradley had short, nondescript answers. Trumble also got time outside of the interview to answer them and email them to me while Bradley was rushed through them to get another interview done with one of her peers. I would say that although these twos answers were very different I believe it is the age difference that causes this. Trumble is younger and can still