Similarities Between North Korea And North America

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North Korea and North America have some trading partners in common fand don’t have trading partners in common. North Korea and North America also may not trade with the same people. I’m going to compare and contrast for the trading partners they have in common and the ones they don’t.

North Korea and North america have trading partners in common let me show you them. One of them is China, China trades with America $1,15,800,000,000 (or 115.8 billion) (18.3% of total American exports)(8%). China trades with North Korea $2,.600,000,000,000 (or 2.6 billion) (90% of total North Korea exports). Another thing that that they have in common is that they both trade with Taiwan. America trades with Taiwan $2,600,000,000,000 (or 26 billion) (1.8%). North