Similarities Between Odysseus And John Lennon

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All great leaders need determination, to help drive them. This determination will help drive the leader to a better end product. Two great examples of leaders that display determination, is John Lennon and Odysseus. Both Odysseus and John Lennon display determination in reaching their goals. However, John Lennon is a more effective leader because he desires peace, while Odysseus seeks revenge. Odysseus and John Lennon both share similar characteristics, like determination. Both leaders go after their goals. Odysseus shows determination by trying to find his way home, to Ithaca, and John is trying to seek a better forthcoming against war, sexuality, race, and more. Odysseus’ determination is on display when he is “..[trying] to be gone and home once more...” (Fagles.287); …show more content…

John Lennon is not like Odysseus who leads an endless journey killing many people, because of his selfish acts of looking after himself, to get home. Lennon has done many selfless things like using his own honeymoon to protest for two weeks for an anti-war sit down in his hotel bedroom. Which was advertised all around the world, from all different sources of media. During the honeymoon John was up from 9 a.m to 9 p.m. being interviewed by the media everyday sharing his point of views on war. John was a more peaceful guy than Odysseus because, he used his words; not actions to reach his goals. It has been written that, “John Lennon was not God. But he earned the love and admiration of his generation by creating a huge body of work that inspired and led. The appreciation for him deepened because he then instinctively decided to use his celebrity as a bully pulpit for causes greater than his own enrichment or self-aggrandizement.” (Martin Lewis. Time Magazine. Remembrance of