Similarities Between The French Revolution And The Reign Of Terror

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Most people have heard of the gruesome Reign of Terror, but do not know what led up to the gore and more importantly, what resulted from that dark time in France’s history. Between 1789 and 1815, there were radical changes in France that started with the French Revolution and ultimately the Reign of Terror. After the Reign of Terror ended, the French Directory finished the French Revolution. Out from the ashes of the French Directory and the French Revolution came Napoleon Bonaparte, who became Emperor of France and commissioned the Napoleonic Code. The Reign of Terror and its aftermath gave Napoleon many ways to improve France. The French Revolution and the Reign of Terror go hand in hand. The French Revolution started in 1789 and ended in …show more content…

The Committee of Public Safety was a government that allowed France to be restructured without total anarchy. The Jacobins and Robespierre worked “to strengthen and deepen the radical ideals of the Revolution…”(E8). They wanted to change their government from feudalism. From Robespierre’s position in the Committee, the Reign of Terror began September of 1793(A1). Some important people whom were killed throughout the Reign of Terror include King Louis XVI and Queen Marie-Antoinette for anti-revolutionary acts(F6, L1). Over the course of the next year, Robespierre had a minimum of 300,000 people arrested and 17,000 people executed by guillotine (F2). In the summer of 1794, the public questioned the motives behind the excessive executions(F3). Robespierre was executed on July 28, 1794 for his murderous crimes against France(F4). His execution signaled the end of the Reign of Terror(A2). Some results of the Reign of Terror include Jacobinism and “the return of bourgeois values, corruption and further military failure.”(E9) Jacobinism is the transfer of government power to the revolutionary and is seen as “one of the highest peaks in the … struggle of an oppressed class.”(E1) The Reign of Terror ended in 1794, but the French Revolution did not end until 1799; the French Directory came to power in …show more content…

He conquered every fort in Northern Italy and was named General of the Army of England in 1797. The Army of England was not an army which fought for England, but one created to attack England. Another example of Napoleon’s good leadership is when he brought his forces back to France when after an attack on Egypt failed. Through these achievements he got the people’s support(D8). Napoleon stayed low while he was in France and learned what he could about France’s politics without aligning with a party(D9). On November 9th,1799 the Coup of 18 Brumaire took place. This event was when Napoleon joined a group of Frenchmen that overthrew the French Directory(B1). The coup nearly failed because there was strong support for Republicanism in France, but it was easily decided that that could wait until after the Directory was demolished(D10). Napoleon then became the First consul of

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