
Similarities Between The Legend Of Popocatepetl And Iztaccihuatl

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During our childhood, many of us have been told of many stories. Whether or not, it’s a nighttime story or a story that contains a moral meaning. Out of so many stories, romance legends seems to be the most eminent. In the country that I was borned in, there was a famous romance legend that everyone knows, it is called the butterfly lover. On the other side, in United States, there is Romeo and Juliet legend. In Spain there is the legend of Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl. Between the legend Romeo and Juliet and the legend Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl, there is exist of similarities.
Once upon a time, in Mexico City during the age where Aztec tribe existed. There was a beautiful princess named Iztaccihuatl. She is the emperor’s favorite daughter,
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