
Similarities Between The Necklace And The Gift Of The Magi

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“Don’t judge by appearances a rich heart may be under a poor coat” - Scottish proverb describes “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry a tale of a couple who share a great relationship and, show abundances amounts of respect for each other. The couple is faced with a low financial burden and, were unable to go out and purchase eachother Christmas presents. Jim and Della decide to make a selfless decision and sacrifice there most prised possession just for their significant others benefit. Along with “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant a tale about a couple who has a social event coming up. Madame Loisel (the wife) has a mind set that she can only wear the best real jewelry to this event. This mindset causes her to borrow a friends necklaces. Attending the event having a blast and being careless Madame Loisel losses the borrowed necklace causing a panic among Monsieur Loisel (the Husband) and Madame Loisel. The couple ends up giving the friends a necklace the looks very similar she is oblivious of it not being the original borrowed necklace. …show more content…

“‘ Jim, darling” she cried “don't look at me that way. I had my hair cut off and sold it because I could not have lived through Christmas without getting you a present”’(Henry 527). Having nothing but, selfless thoughts Della gave everything. Selling her hair for a better cause was something that was main stream on her mind, others might have had beauty and, self appearance but, not Della.”Twenty one dollars they took from her for it, and she hurried home with 87 cents. With the chain on his watch Jim might be properly anxious about the time in any company”(Henry 527). Once again showing how Della sacrificing just for he significant others gain.Della is one of the most influential character there is for a reader to read about. She may even inspire reader to give

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