Similarities Between The Shi Ite And Sunni Interactions

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The Shi’ite and Sunni factions are two groups of the Muslim civilization that split ways after a disagreement about who Muhammad’s successor should be after his passing. Their greatest differences all relate to their beliefs of authority in religion. The Sunni faction believes that Abu Bakr, a companion of Muhammad, gained the role of leadership in the Muslim religion. The Shi’ite, however, believe that Ali is the rightful new leader to be followed due to family lineage. This disagreement has caused severe tension between the two groups that continues to last in todays society. The war between the Sunni and Shi’ite is one that may never end, especially after the killing of Saddam Hussein. These two groups, although having a violent disputes, have more similarities than differences. They both are followers of the Islamic religion and therefore have to have the same fundamental beliefs in order to follow the same religion. The Shi’a and Sunni both read the teachings of the Qur’an. Although it has been rumored that the Shi’a use an edited version of the book, there have been no real evidence to prove it true (Knott & Francis, 2016). With the Qur’an being the official book of Islam, it makes sense that both factions would acknowledge its …show more content…

Both sides have contributed to terroristic violence towards each other and other communities as well. Although the two have proven to be violent towards one another and willing to commit terroristic crimes to prove their division to their faction, they are still found to coexist with one another in many different ways. This proves that the dispute between the two is more so due to a power struggle that relates to money and geography, and not as much about religion. Those who focus solely on the religion aspect of Islam and its teaching, tend to be less involved in the violence that the groups have