
Similarities Between To Know All And To Kill A Mockingbird

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Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Nixon Waterman’s “To Know All Is To Forgive All,” and Matt Litton’s blog all express the same theme: people should not judge others before getting to know them. When Jem and Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird walk past Mrs. Dubose’s house after school, Mrs. Dubose uses offensive and derogatory language towards them and mocks their father. In result, Jem develops a hatred towards her. Conversely, Atticus sees Mrs. Dubose as a “great lady” because unlike Jem, he gets to know her before judging her (Lee 149). Atticus sought her “inner sight divine” by knowing and understanding her and her drug addiction (Waterman 3). Jem is unable to see the greatness in Mrs. Dubose because he judges her based on her rude comments
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