Similarities Between Winston And Julia In 1984

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At the beginning of the novel, Winston was different compared to how he was before he met Julia. All Winston was trying to do was trying to survive, write his hate towards Big Brother and The Party in his diary and had his health issues. At the beginning, he is trying to survive in this circle. Winston was very negative filled and with doubts. He knew things weren't right, but didn't quite know how. Winston knew that he couldn't be the only one that hated The Party and he knew that somewhere there was someone or others who hated the Party as well and as much as he does. He felt as if there is no hope for him when it came to connecting with people because he is not good at that. He was confused and struggling a lot. Winston was always having …show more content…

Charrington, to be used as a meeting place for him and Julia, he notices that they are taking an extreme risk. In spite that the fact that Winston and Julia both rebel against the party they are both completely different when it comes to their reasoning and inspiration. Winston rebels in hope that future generations will not have to go through what he did but be free of the party and be able to live in something where he remembers from before the party took control, or at least in a time where they are free to think whatever they like and are not denied the privilege of the truth. Since Julia is much younger compared to Winston, she has no memories of a time before The Party ever existed. Therefore she can't imagine a time without the party in control. She does no rebel for the future generations like Winston. Julia believes that the only way of actually rebelling against the party is with secret acts of disobedience or at the most isolated acts of violence because she doesn't believe that anyone or anything can defeat the Party. Winston told her :“You’re only a rebel from the waist downwards” (pg.163) and all Julia really cares about is getting sexual pleasure. Winston's relationship with Julia helps him gain further insight into how the Party exercises power. Their relationship will not last for a long time due to intellectual differences but their relationship does not exist in a ‘'normal'’ society anyway. Both characters knew that some time soon, their happiness will soon be coming to an end because of the