Simone Weil Concept Of Justice

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The main argument of this article comprises theories and social concepts of justice and defines implicit human obligations. Normative beliefs are sculpted by the idea of prerogative rights, which overlook the human responsibility to the well-being of all people in society. Simone Weil infers that the use of human rights objectifies what is given and allocated to an individual instead of reifying human accountability and impartiality to one another. Human rights that are specified to the individuals based on status in a community sets a negative framework of selfishness and unjust behavior that ultimately involves the absence of pure justice. According to Simone Weil, justice should be united with responsibility and obligation, which can be …show more content…

Human rights equate to the extent of possession and value, which diminishes the meaning of justice. Justice shall be equated as a spiritual virtue that is based on compassion and love which in return illuminate’s human obligation. Simone notions that the human obligation is unconditional, it is a presumed responsibility to love thy neighbor and to endure the anguish of discomfort for the comfort of others. In other words, the main objective is to equalize the well-being of all by repudiating one’s self in the name of divine justice. Every man is antagonized at the forefront of affliction, and the unpretentious consideration of one’s suffering will unite societies together in communal empathy. Affliction is the price humanity must pay to be humbled by the grace of God. To accrue the divinity of God, there must be a presence of love and comfortability with truth. Simone indicates that the only way to fully consent to Gods divine love and justice is when all actions are done out of compassion for others. She defines this as a certain madness; the type of madness that overcomes all social commands, corruption, and …show more content…

The true existence of God is controversial, and it is predominately questioned world-wide. Many followers of Simone Weil’s are captivated by her head strong belief in purity, sacrifice, adversity, equality and divine justice. She is highly praised for her positon on the importance of human affliction and identifying the struggle of obtaining ultimate faith in God’s grace, with the hope that he alone will save all people from the restraints of adversity. Simone led a life full of testimony, devotion, and compassion for her neighbors in hope that her teachings would further inspire her readers to repudiate themselves and radiate in the mystical realms of a divine justice. The influence of her certainty has become the sail that continuously carries her readers to question the importance of a divine justice, which in the end requires a selfless obligation to love thy neighbor as one loves thy