With these skills I have gathered there are numerous fields to go into with my skillset. I decided that I want to continue to build my career with
Competency Goal III Competency Goal III is to support social and emotional development and to provide guidance. There are three main areas to succeed in this, the things are self-concept, sociality, and guidance. One focus on Competency Goal III is self-concept. Children’s environments support the development of positive self-concepts.
The strengths that were identified this time taking the assessment were all characteristics that I strongly identify with. The most recent assessment showed that my strengths are, in order, Futuristic, Context, Relator, Restorative, and Analytical. This is in comparison to my 2014 results of Includer, Harmony, Consistency, Relator, and Analytical. My 2014 results were much more reflective of someone in the relationship building domain, something that I would actually consider myself only competent at, if not a weakness of mine. I am solid in those aspects, but thought that it overestimated my capabilities
Good evening, David, James, and Abdullah and the rest of you here, how are you? I am here tonight to announce my candidacy for the presidency and I would start off by expressing my gratitude for your support because let's face it, I wouldn’t be here without you and to be honest, I wasn't even going to run for the presidency but I live by a certain creed, one that runs in my blood and this being that you should never accept the world as it appears to be, always dare to see it for what it could be. But is natural for us to accept the illusions of hope. We opt to shut our eyes from the painful truth.
SCI411 Academic and personal development Portfolio: Part 1 From not being in education for a few years, being able to recognise my own academic skills, strengths and weaknesses was quite difficult. However, over these first couple of weeks in lectures my learning strengths and weaknesses have made themselves apparent. Whilst filling out the questionnaire Skills Self-Assessment Audit (Theeducators, 2013) it took a lot of understanding of the questions to be able to answer honestly, and my lowest scores reflected this in the personal effectiveness category. Skill strengths
My willingness to impact and better the lives of others through communication. The two most vital Learner Profile qualities had to be thinker and open minded. I was a thinker tasked with brainstorming new ideas and innovations, then an open-minded individual by allowing myself to delve into a challenge I have never before faced. Overall, this project was my launching platform to new
Definition “[R]esumes provide background information about the applicant’s education, work history, and certificates.” Satterlee, A. (2013). Organizational Management and Leadership: A Christian Perspective. (2nd ed.) Roanoke, VA: Synergistics Publishing.
Were you surprised by the strengths identified? Overall, I was not surprised by the strengths identified after completing the assessment. The five strengths identified included: achiever, learner, focus, restorative, and futuristic.
In the “Your Personal Development Needs” of the Focus2 assessment, my strongest areas were teamwork, sociability, public speaking, leadership, communications, and more. I concur with my results because I enjoy being in charge of a group and interacting with people I know, along with strangers I meet throughout the day. In high school, I was president of two clubs where I had to use my leadership and communication skills in different meetings and projects. Personally, I love giving presentations even though I still get butterflies in my stomach and I enjoy being the center of attention. My weakest qualities are writing and time management, which can use some improvement.
Competency Standard III To support social and emotional development and to provide positive guidance Functional Area 8: Self I provide an emotionally and physically safe and secure environment where the children can thrive and develop their sense of self. I greet each child by name, smiling and giving them one-on-one attention. I show the children that I respect them by acknowledging their feeling and helping them express those feelings appropriately. We follow a routine, and I discuss and explain when there will be a change or disruption to that schedule.
Originated from the National Postdoctoral Association's, the myIDP skills assessment has seven categories: scientific knowledge, research skills, communication, leadership and management, professionalism, responsible conduct of research, and career development. Scientific Knowledge: To succeed in any discipline you need to know the content. Scientist describes this as knowing both the detailed as well as the basic knowledge of science. This is however difficult because of the constant change in information as researches learn new things. So , to be competitive you need to gather new information about your field and identify a good research
All skills apart from the academic ones which are important to being a good teacher and demonstrates my willingness to go the extra mile. Studying and working in education has shown me that it is a challenging and rewarding career, but I believe my track record of dedication and hard work in both elements suggests that I can meet its demands. My commitment to providing a first-rate education for any child has seen me strive to gain as many additionally useful skills as
A self-assessment of one 's strengths and weaknesses is essential to identify areas or skills in which one may or may not need to improve.(Bethel University, 2014) Admitting that I was weak at something became the hardest task while performing my self-assessment. For that reason, I learned that most of my poor responses quickly turned into okay answers. To no surprise, reading, writing, and retaining written information were my obvious weaknesses.
The article, “ Identifying Thinking Skills for Instruction in Your Classroom,” written by Deborah E. Burns, addresses and explains the taxonomy of Thinking Skills by focusing on the four major thinking skill categories, including: Analytical Reasoning Skills, Critical Thinking Skills, Organizational Thinking Skills, and Creative Thinking Skills. In the article, Burns explains the purpose of the taxonomy was to identify, “thinking skills that were most frequently addressed in the professional literature and within the various thinking skills programs and materials” (Burns D.E., 1993). Burns uses the article to provide strategies and examples in order for educators to successfully implement the taxonomy and thinking skills in different classroom settings. The article provides multiple outlets to provide the stimulus needed to exercise the Thinking Skills highlighted in the article.
Leonardo da Vinci once said, “Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets.” To learn is to acquire, to gain, knowledge or skills, be it through study or by experience. For some, it is an interesting and fun process in life, for others, not so much. Thus, some may find it a bore or a chore and others may find it difficult when learning. However, if a student were to understand and master the difficulty of a particular skill or subject, the skill/subject would certainly gain some interest and confidence from the student when learning, from then onwards.