Slavery In The Antebellum South Analysis

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Slave owning and slavery in general had a lasting impression on the way the South functions. The validity of the statement completely falls through; the statement makes a false argument on how slavery affected the United States. Slavery in the Antebellum South led to not only an extremely successful growth in economics, but also enhanced the social diversity and community developments between whites and blacks. The economic structure in the Antebellum South, truly improved with the influx of slavery. The cotton gin improved the growth in the productivity of cotton. This growth led to more plantations and from 1800, where the total export of cotton was only 7.1%, to a staggering height of 57.5% by 1880 (Document A). In order for this growth the plantation owners needed workers. The work load could have been paid help, but the more profit made the better not only the living for whites, the better the economy for the entire South. The slave based trade of cotton also led to improvements for the entire country. The textile factories and industrialization of the north was heavily influenced by southern cotton. The argument made in the statement is incorrect because not only did the economy improved, the social and community structures of the South grew to intricate living styles and beliefs. White …show more content…

Communities would take care of children when fathers were sold down the river. Often entire families, such as aunts and grandparents would care for the children (document H). With the influence of whites, many blacks converted to Christianity and many times other slaves would preach (document F). Sometimes slavery led to negative conflicts such as uprisings (document C) but the social webs formed through slavery led to, not only a new community but language “Nullah”. Society and community are now important values, like family, for African American in the current South of the United