Smoke Signals Stereotypes

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When people think of a movie with Indians in it, they portray the as the stereotypes hollywood make them to be or a dancing disney princess in the woods. In the movie Smoke signals, it breaks past the stereotypes. The movie was written by Indians and featured indian actors. The movie follows Victor and Thomas as they go on a journey from their reserve to phoenix to pick up the remains of Victor’s father. The movie gives us an insight into the life of Victor through flashbacks while Thomas narrates the story. Smoke Signals guides us through the two boys coming of age and Victors arduous task to forgive his father.

The movie begins with Thomas narrating and the film showing the two boys as baby’s. Thomas tells of how Victor’s father, Arnold, saved him from the house fire and how both Victor and Thomas were children born of flame. …show more content…

Thomas has grown up to be a nerd with an optimistic attitude and a talkative storyteller. Victor on the other hand grew up to be quite pessimistic, having that his father left him and his mother at a young age. Victor comes home to his mother with news that his father had just died and he must go to retrieve his body. Thomas offers Victor money for the trip under one condition, Victor brings him with him too Thomas agrees and they set out on journey to go get Arnold.

Throughout the journey you see Victor’s resentment towards his father. You see this through the flashbacks of Victor’s good and bad memories with his father. Victor’s father has shown to be an alcoholic, having parties and drinking beer all the