Social And Economic Aspect Of The Consequences Of A Casino

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My discussion
Although, a sole proprietor is responsible for all aspect of consequences raise from the activities include economy, legality, and morality, there is a need for this entity to make priority among these obligations. A casino is a business entity build to make profits and for people to play. If I am a sole proprietor who owns a casino which the laws protect, the first aspect of responsibility to make is money. This economic obligation is the main goal of ethical business. As the author put it "companies that don't make profits are - in a modern market economy - doomed to perish" (Brusseau, 2012, p. 659).

A partnership in business is categorized as a sole proprietorship. As long as the laws protect sole proprietor from the obligation arises, such as thefts and crimes. The economic aspect is the first priority before any other moral liability can be made. After this aspect is fulfilled, other aspects, such as legality, morality, and philanthropy take into account. I think the second moral responsibilities of a casino is to rebuild the morale of its citizens (Brusseau, 2012).

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In term of ethics, the owners are responsible for aspects include economy, legality, and morality for the organization and the society. I would emphasize on the economic goal to be the first ranked. As the laws hinder the owners from obligation claim arrived from the gambling, in term of laws no one can sue me for their suffering because of game. However, in the ethical term, I owe some moral responsibilities to rebuild moral of those victims in the game (Brusseau,