Social Class Influence On Health

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The influence of social class in health There are many things that can influence people health, in today’s society a lot of people think that health is more related to your everyday choice, as an individual than by the class factors that influence people life. When in fact those social factors are really important because some groups (the wealthier) have more opportunities to make healthier choices than the other groups. Being on a lower social class is actually more harmful to health than making bad choices. Health is not only not being ill but being able to have a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. In today’s world social class is basically define by how much a person earns and how this person is positioned in the economic structure. One of the biggest problems with this is that everyday is getting harder to change your own social class, so the poor are getting poorer, consequently the rich are getting richer and the middle class is being crushed, getting smaller. This is a reality in Canada today’s society. According to Jeffrey Simpson (2011) the lowest quintile of income earner take only 7.2 per cent while the top fifth take 39.2 per cent. Which exemplifies how unequal Canadian society is becoming. The issue social inequality is that it directly affects people health. That is because …show more content…

One important thing that the movie emphasize is that to improve public health doesn’t mean medical improvement, it is actually more related to social distribution. So economic policy is health policy, if the economic equality is improved the health is improved as well, because hierarchy is bad for health. This is a fact because in countries where wealth is more equally distribute people are healthier. So to have a healthier population the goal is not to improve the health care system but reduce the social