Social Construction Norm Analysis

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The norm I decided to violate was “When someone asks you in passing “how are you?” ask them to explain their question.” I chose this norm because it is a good example of what social construction really is. In the idea of social construction, everybody in society views and deals with certain events or objects in a different way. Through my experiment I was able to compare and contrast all the different ways society viewed my experiment as a whole. This experiment showed me the different attitudes and ideas of society. The many different responses I received from the variety of people I approached gave me an understanding of the variety of the different ways people think. Some had a very positive approach with humor and others had a negative view …show more content…

The answer I believed would be most common was, “I do not know, never thought of that before.” Through my experiment the most popular response was very similar to my hypothesis.
The first person I approached was a person that I met when I first attended New Mexico State University. He is a sophomore and a very serious person, but when I asked him to explain the question,” how are you?” he took it as a joke at first but then he thought about it for about thirsty seconds and said he just did not know why he says that. I could not get a valid response out of him because of how confused he was with the question. Again I approached a person that I knew. She is a Current senior that I met through Greek life. She too was very confused with the question I was asking. After she thought it through she stated that, “it is just an everyday saying that’s I was taught to say.” This statement made me think about the different ways people were raised. Families that raised their children to be polite are more likely to ask hoe one is doing rather than one that say was not raised with manners. She also stated that she believes that most of the time she doubts people actually care about your

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