
The Ethics Of Humor: Course Analysis

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During my time spent in this course I have learned and processed the core objectives of The Ethics of Humor. The use of mirth to that results in laughter, different types theories of humor and physiological and emotional reaction. Ethics and humor in the workplace and how it can create a positive atmosphere for social interactions as well as serve as an emotional function. Although not all forms of humor are morally acceptable but there a positive notion that humor empowers people. However humor is the release of tension and can help with balancing and persons energy. I have always been a person that uses humor and laughter for the replacement of sadness and insecurity stricken situations additionally I use in in my everyday routine. I tend …show more content…

Evolutionary history states that humor and laughter is a “nonverbal gesture call” (Burling, 1993). Also, the use of humor in work environments encourage workplace productivity, encourages people to open up, relax and be comfortable with one another which allows for a safe work environment. Forbes Magazine, states that humor in the workplace is the key to success and career advancement. In addition, humor and intimacy connects people as well, humor is known as social interaction according to Martin. People with a sense of humor are deemed to be pleasant people which helps the engagement of friendship as well as attraction. “Humor is one on the most highly rated characteristics” (Goodwin, 1990). Humor has the power of connecting people, it’s the fundamentals of building a relationship. People naturally have a desire to be amongst people that have a good sense of humor. The use of laughter conveys love, enjoyment appreciation and gratitude for life, that humans like to affiliate themselves with that type of positive …show more content…

Based on knowledge on the information that I have gathered throughout this course, humor is a problem for psychology! What that means is, humor isn’t as easy to explained, it’s widely defined and examined meticulously. Humor is an emotional response that increases a positive affect and attitude, essential emotions such has mirth. Mirth is distinctive to humor and stands related to joy and happiness. One of the most important emotions for human is laughter, enjoyment and cheerfulness in which observes fulfillment in one’s life. Humor is used in various forms as well as settings, workplace humor, funeral humor, relationship humor and group setting humor is a collaborative way to build a positive atmosphere. Workplace is the best way for leadership to use this setting to motivate and build team morale, encourages people to be themselves and be more innovative. Humor helps various situations deal with productivity and morale, however people have a natural feel for responding appropriately to it. Because humor is a universal language for the most part people respond in a manner of agreement and not aggression, connectedness. But there’s also times when humor shouldn’t be used and that’s to belittle, humiliate or embarrass a person purposely to make them a target. Or using humor at a time

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