Social Construction Theory Essay

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In classroom discussions, the same few students take part and most never.
In most cases when a teacher asks their learners questions, they are answered by few learners in a class and others never answer. This problem should be attended because a teacher cannot teach without seeing their outcomes when one teaches they always have a goal to reach, they cannot know what their learners don’t understand and what they understand. When coming to classroom discussions the one who answers when a question is asked is the one who is involved in the discussion. In this, it will be discussed how to solve this problem relying on knowledge of critical theory. We have based any number of collaborative learning activities upon students’ ability to talk to one another freely and effectively. Indeed, social construction theory has built an entire epistemology and theory of cognition on the premise of …show more content…

Marxism is a form of critical theory. Critical theorists tend to be philosophers who have been “hurt “by the system, or who have seen other people “hurt” by the system. Critical theorists believe that all forms of power are oppressive. Some modern critical theorists believe that it is the way we see things that is the cause of our power or powerlessness (P.Freire-1970). Solving the problem of same few students take part and most never using this theory, one can force this learners to divide themselves in small group where when they are given a task they tackle it in their groups and after they present their findings to the class maybe one learner stand in the front and present the feedback but it circulates, if they are 5 in a group all 5 should circulate in presenting the