Social Darwinism: What´s Evolutionary Psychology?

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Evolutionary psychology is based on Darwinism and is used to explain human nature by making an effort to understand what motivates us to behave the way that we do. It implies that everything we do is either consciously or unconsciously motivated by the intent to either prosper, evolve, or to reproduce. Although we would like to believe we are moral beings, evolutionary psychology suggests that we may be driven solely by the instinct to survive. In doing so, our behavior may sometimes be naturally inclined to be of selfish motives. Evolutionary psychology shows that even when unintentional, our decisions are ultimately driven by self-gain and reproductive success, all in an effort to survive and adapt to our forever expanding world and culture. …show more content…

That being said, we generally still strive to be fair-minded beings. Perhaps not intentionally to be fair for the sake of others, but rather to protect ourselves from potentially having injustices done to us instead. In our human nature, the tendency is to wish for more than a fair share of what is needed to survive, but since being on the opposing end is unjust, we would ultimately prefer to be equal with one another.
In no way do I think this is implying that if you ran into someone less fortunate than yourself that you would not want to assist in any way that you could. But could it possibly be suggested by theory that you only feel that way, because if the tables were turned, you would appreciate the help yourself? Or even because you long for the feeling of elation you may receive when helping