
Social Determinants Of Health Essay

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Social determinants of health come into effect at the moment at birth and follow an individual throughout their lifetime. They are factors that determine the outcome of an individual’s health affected by the conditions in the environments in which an individual is born and raised in. There is a wide range of Determinants that can affect an individual’s health throughout their life but some of the most important include the amount of income available, the amount of education received, the social environment one was raised in, the gender of the individual and the type of job a person has. Each determinant has a relationship with one another one and are all defined by policy and the amount resources available. Having a stable job that provides a reasonable level of income can have a strong effect on health. But if that same job makes you work in a dangerous environment than the amount of money your receiving isn’t worth the health risk. There are policy’s in place that …show more content…

If your receiving a high amount of income then you can afford to live in a better environment that is well suited to provide with the means to achieve better health. For those who have a low income, they are stuck in environments are not motivating people to be healthier. For example, if you live in a neighborhood filled with drug dealers and violence than people are more likely to become drug dealers but if you live somewhere where people have hardworking jobs then you would also want a hard-working job. By surrounding yourself with better people, you are more likely to follow in their footsteps. Poor neighborhoods can get stuck in this endless loop that is hard to get out of. They have poor schools that don’t provide kids with good education which could lead to poor jobs and then they end up back to the same poor neighborhoods. Education is a major key to break the cycle of

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