Social Media And Synthesis Essay

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What is already known about the problem of interest is that social media can go both ways when causing good to some teenage males and harm to other teenage males. We also know that the specific age group being target are teenage males who are between the ages of 16 to 19 years old. Also, social media is associated with health issues and higher rates of drop out, lower grades, and possible gang related events. The point of studying this problem is to understand how media is affecting adolescents in their studies. By finding this out, we can figure out ways to aware the youth of how their future will turn out if they believe everything they see on social media and lose focus on their education. This makes it possible for us to lower drop rates …show more content…

The following article, “Social Networking and Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills among College Freshmen,” talks about how each generations, “left unattended, the lack of skills to effectively communicate and resolve conflicts in person may negatively affect behavior and impair the ability to develop and maintain relationships.” This explains how now a days you see very young children using social media to answer their questions and curiosities, especially now that technology is advancing so quickly and children to adolescents are growing up dependent on social media. The researchers are concerned with how the Internet will affect the youth’s skill developments and health. In the fourth article, “The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families,” it states how, “Social media sites allow teens to accomplish online many of the tasks that are