Social Media Should Be Banned In America

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“If you were to walk into my office, I’d have a pretty decent sense of your gender, your age, your race, and other identity markers.”( Boyd ). “My knowledge wouldn’t be perfect, but it would give me plenty of information that I could use to discriminate against you if I felt like it. The law doesn’t prohibit me for “collecting” this information in a job interview nor does it say that discrimination is acceptable if you “shared” this information with me. That’s good news given that faking what’s written on your body is bloody hard.” (Boyd). Therefore the use of social media outlets for the application process should be banned in America, it’s misused by colleges, it's been banned/reviewed in some countries, and it should be less public. First …show more content…

That the use of social media is right when picking future employees/students. It is wrong to use social media when picking future employees/students. “Megan Bernier Keniston, higher education marketing professional and social media manager at St. Lawrence University’s (NY), said her priorities are Instagram, followed by Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube.” (Journal of College Admission 30-33). This seems smart and useful for getting future students, but is wrong for the use of picking the students over others. “Sweet Briar’s social media focus has two goals: to entice students to come to their campus and to give students who can’t visit a good sense of what the campus looks and feels like.” (Journal of College Admission 30-33). This is nice for future students who have other plans which are extremely important, but what is not said is how the college may use their profiles when picking student. “Many schools are getting creative with social media, using it to get attention, then convey their institutions’ unique personality and community.” (Journal of College Admission 30-33). As stated before this is really nice for future students who are very busy with sports, but this does not mean they will not use the students personal account against them. To sum up the use of social …show more content…

“The Internet has made it possible for you to create digital bodies that reflect a whole lot more than your demographics.” (Boyd). It seems like no one would turn to the internet for a background check, so why should people care about a facebook post form 2016. “We’re always looking for better ways to judge someone and goodness knows that an interview plus resume is rarely the best way to assess whether or not there’s a “good fit.” (Boyd) Second off, most resumes say they as an employer willn’t be biased, and doesn’t looking on social media to judge seem pretty bias. “More accurately, they’re sharing in a setting where there’s no clear delineation of social and professional spheres.” (Boyd) Third off, it’s unfair for the people because they one, don’t know if they be check through the internet, and two, how can they get turned down for a selfie at a party form 2015. That is why the use of social media use for college application should be