Social Media Stereotypes

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It’s a complicated world we live in. Our society is based on face values where we categorize people because of the actions of a few. Erik Qualman once said,” We don’t have a choice on whether we DO social media, the question is how well we DO it.” The principle of social media, knowing your audience and engaging them in something they love. In this essay I will argue, a real question, Is social media effective in the way people interact and get their opinions across? Social media pushed down by its weak ties but held back up by its strengths among those weak ties. We may not even notice how stereotypical we may be toward a certain ethnicity or race through the types of roles they play in the media.
We don’t seem to pay attention to how much …show more content…

The media continues to portray our perceptions of both women and men in stereotyped methods. Men are portrayed to be powerful, courageous, and goal driven. Compared to women who are portrayed to be thin and beautiful, weak, home makers and incapable of dealing with stressful situations. Due to the fact that the media make illustrate our lives and our views in how they misrepresent our live and the perception of genders, we believe the norm of how women are supposed to be as well as how men are set to be. A given norm that has been set in stone rather than making our own law on the matter a …show more content…

It has occurred to me that the Stereotypes that we have given them whether they might be negative or positive to the naked eye, we ignore all for our entertainment. Stereotypes may be the norm now since we don’t always recognize them or effect but they could also be very problematic for the ethnic group being given that stereotype. The ethnic communities will forever be a target in popular culture for good entertainment. Our society is set in a world where diversity should be encouraged but is highly criticized. We have reached the year of 2018 in which we should accept unity amongst diversity for future generations where everyone can be seen as equals and not based off the color of their skin, where they come from, or what their ethnicity is. We are all human beings with one common goal, which is to live a healthy, happy, and successful