
Social Norms And Social Construction Of Gender

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In this assignment I am going to analyse on social construction of gender besides I will reflect on how social norms and social construction of gender have affected me. Moreover I will use theorist to analyse my own experience of gender.
Gender are ways in which a societies defines rights, responsibilities and identities of male and female which is determined by the conception of tasks, functions and roles attributed to woman and man in the society, public places and in private. Gender is how the society stimulates our understandings and insight of difference between masculinity which the society thinks reveal the appropriate behaviour for man, while femininity the appropriate behaviour for woman. (Gender in practice Swiss agency for development …show more content…

In my culture male are believed to be dominant while women are always seen as submissive. In those day in my country men are expected to find work and be the main source of income for the household. Women on other hand are expected to know about the housework. These expectations were normal in most cultures at that time, but not anymore thing started involving education and awareness changes the mind set of people both the male and female are expected to equally share financial and housekeeping responsibilities together to some extent. Although some cultures still have the same expectations in a traditional culture of male being masculine and female …show more content…

In our society these days children learn to adopt gender roles which are not sometimes fair to both sexes. parents is the main factor of gender social construction, most processes begins before they child is born whereby parents selecting gendered names on the basis of either boy or girl, also by selecting toys and clothes in color-coded and gender ways that reflect cultural expectation. From infancy on, gender is being construct by family, our religious, peer groups and community which teaches us what is expected in terms of behaviour and appearance based on whether we were code as a boy or girl. When children are growing through childhood into adolescence they are exposed to numerous factors which influence their outlooks and behaviour regarding gender roles. For example You are categorised a boy when you are one and you expected to wear clothes, have your hair, and do things that boys do. When you are a girl you are expected to talk like a girl, wear clothes girls wear and walk like a girl. These outlooks and behaviour are generally learned from home and then reinforced by peers, school experience also through viewing of television. Nevertheless, the strongest influence on gender role development occur within the family setting whereby parents permitting overtly and covertly to their

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