Zero-Hour-Contract Case Study

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Part of CIS remit is to give attention to identify, analyze and research on social policy issues of local and national level. My observation shows that the current socio-economic situation is in desperate need for developments in many areas and almost every social policy issue is a high priority. This assignment identifies social policy issues in the area of employment rights showing limitations and disadvantages for those employed under zero-hour-contracts. Assignment shows evidence, influences and impact of the policy work on the policy itself. Zero-Hour-Contracts Throughout the year DNWCIS statistics show frequently increasing numbers of employment rights issues in relation to terms of employment, …show more content…

Based on similar circumstances, last year, six thousand employees went on strike against the Dunne Store company and their practice over hiring under the zero-hour-contracts and job security pay. The Irish Times reported that 80% of the staff ware working beyond 15 hours unknowing how many hours they are going to work from week to week. Affected employees, in their campaign were looking for decent contracts and proper working hours. (, 2015) According to the trade union Mandate, one day stoppage was a big success. Since 2nd April 2015 strike, Mandate is continuing with their Campaign to improve more secure working hours and working conditions for Dunnes employees (, 2015) and at the same time influencing on the Industrial Relation environment and public awareness. Clearly Irish Government recognizes a need to understand the prevalence of zero-hour-contracts among Irish employers and their Impact on employees. The Minister for Business and Employment Ged Nash in November 2015 published a study that was carried out by Dr O’Sullivan and a University of Limerick team in that