
Social School Interview Essay

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Rogers Ranch elementary school is located in Laveen Elementary School District of Arizona. It is a K-8 School. Laveen is a lower to middle income area around South Phoenix. Laveen Elementary School district is rated 4 out of 10 by Greatschools and has seven schools within it. There is a variety in the community. Students; along with their families, live in trailers, apartments, and houses. Some parents are too busy working to be heavily involved in their kids’ education. On an anecdotal level, some kids have bit down nails, dirty clothes, and a look of anxiety that reminds me of myself. Some background demographics about students would be worth mentioning. Half of them are male and half are female. Racially, Hispanics make up 54 percent of the student body, 31 percent of the students are Black, 7 percent of the students are White, 4 percent of them are Asian, 2 percent are Native American, and 2 percent of the students are a mix of two or more races. 80 percent of students participate in the free or reduced lunch program. I believe this statistic …show more content…

In spite of being a Social Studies teacher my responsibilities do not end with that subject. In modern Social Studies classes, teachers need to show students methods to effectively write essays with a historic perspective. Using reliable sources keeps becoming an expectation for students who are younger and younger. This will also help them not have quite as much trouble spotting a fake news story. This is a project based learning assignment and lesson.
Applicant Bio Terry Teacher has been teaching for 13 years, 9 at (School Name). She earned her Bachelor’s degree from Arizona State University in Secondary Education. She is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Educational Technology. Terry loves finding new ways to engage students and make learning meaningful and that every student is gifted.
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