
Society Perpetuates Racial Inequality

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Essay 1:
There are many ways in which our society currently perpetuates the inequalities we see among races. People of color are much more likely to live in poverty, to be incarcerated, and to be unemployed than white people, even when all factors but race are held the same. In this essay, I will be discussing three (of many) ways our society perpetuates this inequality, focusing on the inequalities of the poor urban blacks.
The first is through economic segregation. Although the population of racial minorities is increasing, the issue of urban segregation has not decreased, as some might hope. The social and political consequences of this segregation are vast and particularly detrimental to poor African Americans. They are unable to afford property in suburbs, so they must remain in inner-city ghettos. The neighborhoods that used to be based in and funded by …show more content…

My final piece of evidence to support this is the effect of urban annexation. The issue of urban annexation is now prevalent in urban cities and has been instrumental in the creation of the poor, predominantly minority residency, ghettos. As previously mentioned, manufacturing industry that used to be predominantly in urban centers has since been abandoned. In it’s place, service-related industry jobs have taken over, for the large part leaving the factory workers unemployed. However, this shift from factory work to service work hasn’t just abandoned the workers, the urban center that the factories were once located in were also abandoned. The jobs and industries moved outward to the suburbs, which then expanded even beyond city limits. Because of this, cities have grown much further beyond their original urban centers. They have grown to encompass parts of the areas surrounding it. Unfortunately for those living in the urban centers, much of the tax revenue and political representation goes directly to these outlying suburban

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