Sociological Research On Birth Order

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In my sociological research, I plan to explore a topic that every human is a component of, in order to comprise our working society. The question that I proposed is, “How does the impact of different personalities, due to birth order, shape and drive our sustained society?”. I want to focus on how different personalities, that are often tied to us from the order we were born in, make up our society and contribute to making it successful. It is evident that our society needs different personalities in order for it to be effective. Birth order can create these different personalities and social characteristics that people will inherently contribute to our society and will also allow us to be a part of groups. This mixture of identities and characteristics …show more content…

This question makes for a good sociological exploration because personalities make up individuals who contribute to the society. Therefore, these different personalities can impact the way humans form groups and collaborate with one another. This is a study of sociology that will help explain how personalities create a way in which we connect with people and form ties with others. The ties can be with similar or dissimilar personalities depending on the individuals involved. This study will also show us, based on research, how we each learn from our society by looking at others who were placed in the same order as ourselves and comparing our qualities with theirs. The research can explain why certain people attract to others and how that makes up our working …show more content…

Some of those concepts that I have considered observing is the bridging and bonding of social capital. Bridging social capital involves two networks that are separate but a group of people bring them together. Bonding social capital involves the connection of people within the same social group. Both bridging and bonding of social capital can occur through the personalities of people to create cultures. Another concept is homophily verses heterophily. Heterophily is when people form social ties with others that are not like them leading homophily to be the opposite. If two people were born in the same order and had similar personalities then they might form social ties, creating homophily. If two people form social ties and they aren’t born in the same order, they will have different personalities then heterophily is accomplished. Both concepts will help demonstrate and answer my main research