Solitude In Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights

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Chapter 3. Concept "Solitude" in the novel "Wuthering Heights" 3.1. Emily Brontë, a writer of Solitude In today's world, people are increasingly sharper and all feel a sense of solitude, but at the same time each perceives and evaluates it differently. Neither science, nor in the public mind there is a common understanding of this phenomenon, however, with all the uniqueness of individual experience of solitude, there are certain elements common to all its manifestations. "First, the state of solitude for a man assumes a full immersion in himself and is holistic, inclusive. This is a special form of self-perception, the approval of his "self", saying at the same time about a rift in the inner world of the individual. Second, solitude is a complete lack of social ties or break a person who feels the need for informal contacts included in any group. Third, solitude creates a whole range of negative emotions in humans. Solitude as a significant socio-cultural and psychological phenomenon is an active expression in the language semantics, but the means of representation of the concept "solitude" in the English language is still not well understood. The concept "solitude" as an element of a conceptual picture of the world is characterized by close ties with the national culture, national character and mentality of …show more content…

Together with her publisher's fraud, Emily virtually gave up on the world, and, more tragically, seemed to lose her spirit, her inspirational muse, her refuge in imagination and creativity. Emily Bronte died at the age of thirty, only several months after catching a wintry chill at her brother's untimely funeral, but she became an integral part of literary world. Her novel “Wuthering Heights” has become truly global phenomena in English