Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems Book Report

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Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems, is a revolutionary book for the transformation of sleep upon children. This book is geared toward desperate parents who just want their child to sleep through the night without periodically waking up. The author of this is Dr. Richard Ferber, he is a neurology professor at Harvard Medical School as well as the director of the Center for Pediatric Sleep Disorders at the Children’s Hospital in Boston. The goal of this book is to teach the parents how let their child self soothe themselves to sleep, this process is called “Ferberizing”. The biggest controversy in this method is that Ferber advices to limit the time in the child’s bedroom during sleep time and if the child were to cry out the parents were not …show more content…

The first thing I want to address is the Ferber Method and the act of completely leaving the child alone. As far as history can tell, leaving a child alone to cry disrupts our instincts as human. When threats were present during sleep, watch duties were established to ensure no one was in harm or distressed while sleeping. As mentioned before, many parents fail at the Ferber Method and cannot go through all the way. This may be because of the fact that the Ferber Method inquires caregiver to go against their primal instincts. The method that I deemed most appropriate is establishing a nighttime routine with the child. This method is effective and helps the child settle down before going to bed. Having a bedtime routine is a very personal process and individual to a family’s traditions. A caregiver can customize it in whatever way they choose which than creates a special time before bed with their child. When a bedtime routine is set, the child will begin to associate the things the caregiver does in the routine with going to sleep. Bedtime routines help children calm down and relax before they are ready for bed. Overall, even though the Ferber Method can be effective the means to get there are too harsh for parents, alternatives to sleep method are out there and provide benefits in creating close ties between child and