Song Of Solomon Racism Analysis

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According to Azizmohammadi & Kohzadi (2011) Song of Solomon gave its readers a glimpse of the black culture in the 20th century. As a result of racism that is still evident in the 20th century, the development of movements such as those pertaining to civil rights and Black power took place in history. It all started in 1619 when twenty (20) Africans was brought to Jamestown, Virginia and were sold for slavery. Their history was deeply rooted in their home, Africa. They were brought in America when the Europeans colonized America. They were searching for people that they will pay for small amounts and they found it in West Africa. When the 19th century took place, there were various blacks that were being subjected to slavery. They worked …show more content…

Beginning from the moment his father was killed in an accident which involved white community, he viewed the whites as people who want the blacks to be killed and to be removed in the world. As stated above, he is involved in killing white people, through Seven Days. Racism affects the consciousness of an individual experiencing it as seen in the three characters mentioned above. First, it can lead to hatred of oneself and second, it can lead to hatred to white people. Perceived racism according to Chao, Longo, Wang, Dasgupta & Fear (2014) can affect their self-esteem and causes psychological distress. It is stated that perceived racism is a ubiquitous fragment of the experiences of African-Americans having an average of 90 percent which is also evident in the characters of the novel. It can be seen on the way the deal with their problems and issues. But, with Milkman, the racism he experienced lead him to be an individual with a sense of manhood. Throughout his journey as seen in the novel, he transformed into a matured man taking all the negative aspects of his life in his journey to self-awareness and fulfillment. He showed that racism against blacks and whites can be endured to take the path towards