Sonja Lyumbomirsky: Personal Control Of Small Pleasures

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Happiness is under our personal control. Enjoying small pleasures, involve in challenging activities, setting goals and achieved them, maintaining and create social relationships with people, and finding a purpose beyond oneself enhances life satisfaction. According to positive psychology Sonja Lyumbomirsky, happiness can be described as combination experience of blissful, satisfaction, or prosperousness with the perception that one's life is good, purposeful, and valuable (The How of Happiness, 2007). It is our nature to seek a life full of happiness, we ensure that every matter in our lives is aimed at making us feel good and avoiding us from pain and Hurtful.
Happiness results from a boost by the neurochemical produced by the human brain that makes all the things we do in life felt good and felt happy when we achieved them. Neurochemicals carry out message from one nerve to another. Each of the neurotransmitters has the message receiver, which may …show more content…

that kind of feeling result from the released dopamine chemical by your brain. Such experiences that activate the dopamine chemical make us feel happy, which make us want more of the same. Dopamine help us being motivated to take action toward goals, needs, and desire, and then gives a feel of pleasure and contentment when we achieving them. Thai Nguyen, in the article titled 'Hacking into Your Happy Chemicals' point out that one of the way to improve happiness by activate the dopamine is by setting goals (The Huffington Post, October. 20, 2014). Instead of letting our brains to celebrate when we complete a big task, we can create a train of celebration by breaking a big goal into little pieces which releases the dopamine chemical. It is important to literally celebrate, such us treat yourself with favorite meal, or give yourself a time to relax when you accomplished a small

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