
Southwest's Changing Business Environment Essay

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Today, Southwest has numerous internal and external components influencing their changing business environment. Of which, broadly speaking, Southwest’s business environment is correlated to the transportation industry, and microscopically speaking is interrelated with the airline industry. Internally, the greatest business environment influences on Southwest are their sustainability goals, charitable giving partnerships, community outreach, reward innovation advancement, and diversity and inclusion initiatives. Conversely, external factors such as government regulations, consumer preferences, economic cycles, and rivalry technology adoption, are among the most influential business environment aspects. Internally, Southwest holds a strong stance on sustainability, or the planet, by holding a comprehensive environmental program; therefore, a large focus is placed on living the program out. Specifically, Southwest’s program focuses on energy consumption minimization, greenhouse gas emission reduction, waste recycling, and repurposement. For example, new aircrafts with 20% greater fuel efficiencies are being acquired over the next …show more content…

This is due to the rising Millennial generation is who the largest living generation, and their never before held view of a work life balance and technology crave. Specifically, Millennials on average in 2018 will take an unheard of 4.8 vacation per year, as technology allows working remotely possible. However, these Millennials are less band loyal due to the ramifications of the Great Recession therefore, will seek out the cheapest flight, with greatest conveniences, that can be booked completely online. Therefore, as these shifts take place, it is essential that Southwest utilize market research and development to meet these consumers’ needs with regard to destinations, technology adaptation, and

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