
Comparison Of Initiatives Within Other Utside The Industry

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processes for each of its product lines (“2015 Annual Report,” 2015). The benefits were to shorten the cycle, lower production costs and at the same time reduce inventory requirements so that they could help to improve quality and profitability (“2015 Annual Report,” 2015). Furthermore, the company believes new product development is the strategic initiative it pursues as top priority. B/E Aerospace actively engages in this initiative to enhance its leadership position in the market. The company expects to increase its capital expenditure to $90 in 2016 by continuing to invest in property/equipment and taking into consideration yearly awards for its new product development (“2015 Annual Report,” 2015).
Comparison of Initiatives within Other …show more content…

In 2014-2015, Zodiac Aerospace reported to align different initiatives and best practices to the organization focusing on four improvements: (1) an in-depth operational management system, (2) a harmonization of the procedures, (3) a focus on supply chain system, and (4) a focus on sales and operation planning (“Annual Report,” 2015). Another initiative included an initiative to promote innovation within the Group through the Open Innovation Challenge for all employees across the organization (“Annual Report,” 2015). In its philanthropy initiative, Zodiac Aerospace encourages entrepreneurial spirit as a foundation of choosing a right local partner and ensures those initiatives comply with the company’s ethical conduct (“Annual Report,” 2015). In addition to promoting innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, Zodiac Aerospace also created the Jean-Louis Gerondeau or Zodiac Aerospace Prize in France for engineering graduates (“Annual Report,” 2015). In 2015, The Innovation Technology Entrepreneurial (ITE) was created by the collaboration between Zodiac …show more content…

Pratt & Whitney and UTC Aerospace, two of UTC’s aerospace subsidiaries, participated in the CLEEN II initiative- Continuous Lower Energy, Emissions, and Noise selected by the Federal Aviation Administration (“Moving The World Forward,” 2015). From the years between 1995 to 2006 and 2007 to 2010, UTC has established sustainability initiative in response to quantified safety and impact in its operations. In 2011-2015, the company added new goals for safety, suppliers and product design (“United Technologies Corporation,” 2010). The company accomplished several positive outcomes such as implementing new policies to all buildings and reducing water use by 24 percent with less than 520 million gallons, industrial product waste by 39 percent with less than 140 million lbs. and so forth (“United Technologies Corporation,” 2010). One of the best practices in energy efficiency Prindle (n.d.) has taken as an example was from UTC. Accordingly, UTC’s key strategy successes included setting aggressive target, integrating the diverse business through a unified energy efficiency strategy and accountability system, applying conducts and pursuing opportunities in the green buildings (Prindle, n.d.). In conclusion, UTC provides best practices of GHG emission and efficiency strategies which are somewhat different from B/E Aerospace. (Prindle,

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