
Spanking Should Be Allowed In Schools Research Paper

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Think about yourself sitting in class and you start talking without raising your hand. The teacher gets mad at you and sends you to the office. While you are in the office you get a spanking with a wooden paddle from the principal. You would get embarrassed in front of your friends and get in trouble at home also. There isn’t really anything good about spanking kids in school, and it actually makes student behavior worse than it was before. For very important reasons I believe spanking in school should not be allowed. To begin with, spanking kids in school could be a form of abuse and is not right. A student in an elementary school in Texas was spanked once in class and then taken into a different room and spanked more. The students never agreed for their kid to be spanked at school (Paddling, Corporal Punishment & Child Abuse). Female students are more likely to be spanked than boys. Students that are spanked tend to do worse academically and become victims of bullying. One in six adults says that when they were kids that they had at least one very hard spanking in school (Abuse Affects …show more content…

African American boys are 2.1 times more likely to be spanked than white boys, and Native American boys are 3.2 times more likely to be spanked than white boys. In Mississippi, 5,831 disabled students were spanked in one school year. One girl with autism was spanked and then put in a closet when she was in kindergarten. Nationwide, boys make up 78.3 percent of the children who are paddled and girls make up 21.7 percent (The Use Of Corporal Punishment Against Certain Groups). A third-grade African American boy was spanked twelve times for chewing gum and a person heard the boy scream every time he was spanked. Spanking children is bad enough already but spanking someone because of something they can’t help, such as skin color or a disability is even

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