Corporal Punishment In Public Schools

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Corporal punishment within public school systems continues to be a controversial issue, however, its use is one of the most effective means of discipline in public schools. “Corporal punishment is technically defined as the infliction of physical pain contingent upon the occurrence of a misbehavior (Vockell, 2010).” The use of corporal punishment has many advantages and supporters. The issue of corporal punishment has reached the United States Supreme Court. James Ingraham and Roosevelt Andrews suffered severe paddlings that left bruises and severe pain that required medical attention. The parents of these students filed a lawsuit claiming the paddlings were unconstitutional and violated their right of the Eighth Amendment- prohibition …show more content…

Teachers in Kenya believe corporal punishment made students work harder and improve academic performance and performance in extra-curricular activities (Mweru, 2010). Teachers believe without corporal punishment standards in academics and extra-curricular activities would decline. When students understand the consequences for their behaviors, they are better able to make decisions, implement self-control, and be accountable for their actions (Walker, 2017). Corporal punishment is seen to set clear boundaries for students. In order for children to understand boundaries, they need to understand there should be punishments. “Some experts state that corporal punishment prevents children from persisting in their bad behavior and growing up to be criminals (Walker, 2017).” Parents of children in Zimbabwe state their country cannot afford to rehabilitate juveniles when a crime may have been prevented if corporal punishment was used (Gomba, 2015). A goal of educators and school personnel is to teach children consequences and …show more content…

Parents support the use of corporal punishment within the public school system despite the ban on it in Kenya and Zimbabwe. Teachers in Kenya reported parents were aware their children tended to misbehave in school and had allowed corporal punishment to be enforced despite the ban on it (Mweru, 2010). Parents of students in Zimbabwe report they support corporal punishment to better the citizens of their country. They believe corporal punishment lowers crime rates in Zimbabwe. Parents of children in Kenya, Zimbabwe, and the United States refer to biblical and generational references in supporting corporal punishment. Parents believe corporal punishment molded them and they grew up being productive citizens. They state if it worked for them, it should work for their children (Gomba, 2015). Parents of children in the Temple Independent School District in Texas supported the use of corporal punishment and pushed to have it reinstated. Parents who support corporal punishment wanted a consistent discipline plan between home and school. Parents use corporal punishment as discipline in their homes and feel it should be carried over to the school setting as well (Memphis,