Special Education Teachers: What Do Special Education Administrators Think Is Important?

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Summary of Article 1:
Van Boxtel, J. j. (2017). Common Core Expertise for Special Education Teachers: What Do Special Education Administrators Think Is Important?. Teacher Education Quarterly, 44(3), 57-73.

This article focuses on the special education and general education instructor collaborating together to help students with the CCCS standards. It is critical that special education teachers design their IEP’s to be meaningful and aligns with CCSS. Special education teachers were found to have received more professional development in ELA than in math. As a special education educator it is vital that we continue to learn how to deconstruct standards to compose IEP goals to complement students’ individual needs.

Summary of Article 2: …show more content…

“Various agencies have spent billions of dollars on workshops for teachers in professional development that may not be addressing the needs of teachers, but it is imperative for teacher to have professional development to assist in their development as a teacher. The NCLB Act of 2001 ensures that teachers are highly qualified. The article reflects how a math professional development should enhance a teacher’s knowledge of math and how to measure the application of their effectiveness of teaching the skill. The results of the study in the article showed those students’ teachers who received professional development on content standards performed higher than those who did …show more content…

K., Bicer, A., & Capraro, R. M. (2017). Effect of Teachers' Professional Development from Mathforward™ on Students' Math Achievement. International Journal Of Research In Education And Science, 3(1), 67-74.
In this article coaching was used to determine if the hours of professional development improved the students’ scores or achievement. “Coaching is a professional development model that can be used to deepen understanding, to perfect skills, and to provide “just in time” information or feedback”. These highly qualified teachers were ranked according to their years of experience. The significance of the professional development depends upon the attention the teacher is willing to give the professional development. It has been mandated through state and federal laws that technology be integrated into the curriculum and instructions. “Mathforward” is a technological program that is designed to implement technology and professional development and focus on student achievement through these skills. The teacher’s school day was modified to ensure the validity of the study and allow teachers to collaborate. Those who received more coaching hours were less successful in improving student

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