Special Forces: The Marine Corps

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Research Paper The special forces of the military has the best gear and weapons that have been made. The normal soldier does not have all the things that a special forces soldier does. Their are also weapons that are specially made for the special forces. The special forces get to also test the weapons and equip them for certain missions.

The special forces like the Army Rangers are usually wearing about the same gear unless they are doing a mission that requires a certain weapon or gear. For example the Army Rangers have a special operations pack called the RLCS, Ranger Load Carrying System, pack and it contains a body armor carrier that carries the body armor plates that save soldiers lives every day, magazine pouches that help them carry …show more content…

The Marine Corps first introduced the M-40A1 sniper rifle that was a great reliable rifle and then the mechanics changed the rifle and upgraded some things on it and now it is the M-40A3. The M-40A3 is an upgraded version of th M-40A1 and one of the upgrades is that they added an adjustable check rest for added comfort for the shooter and they also added a removable bipod to increase the accuracy of the rifle because now the shooter has something to rest on. The only downside to the weapon is that its is now two pounds heavier than the original rifle, but it also helps the recoil of the weapon for the shooter. Each of the rifles are hand made and this shows that their is little room for error when making the rifle because their are multiple eyes looking at every part of the rifle to make sure it functions perfectly. This will also decrease the chance of a weapon …show more content…

Troops use DMR’s to pick off troops from far distances so the weapon needs to be accurate. They ended up coming up with the M14 and the M14 shoots a 7.62 bullet and this makes it a really accurate weapon. This weapon can be compared to the SCAR because of its extreme accuracy except the DMR is semi-automatic and the SCAR is fully automatic and can change caliber bullet, but the DMR cannot change the caliber of the bullet it shoots. Most special operations soldiers use a kit called SOPMOD on the M14. This kit consists of a 4x day scope to hit targets from far distances, vertical forward grip to increase the accuracy of the weapon and decrease the recoil of the weapon to make sure if the shooter misses the target at first he can line up a second shot quickly, a M203 grenade launcher mount that can be taken off or put back on for a certain mission requirements, a suppressor to keep undetected by the enemThe Marine Corps is also making DMR’s, Designated Marksman Rifles, to help give troops support on the ground. Troops use DMR’s to pick off troops from far distances so the weapon needs to be accurate. They ended up coming up with the M14 and the M14 shoots a 7.62 bullet and this makes it a really accurate weapon. This weapon can be compared to the SCAR because of its extreme accuracy except the DMR is semi-automatic and the SCAR is fully automatic and can change caliber