
What Is Caregiver Involved In Speech-Language Therapy Process?

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1. Introduction According to ASHA (2017) speech-language therapy intervention for a client should be family-centered, i.e. the family is also viewed as a client. This approach involves caregivers in decision-making and in the assessment and intervention of the child. Thus, parents are primary decision makers on behalf of their children. Bowen and Cupples (2006) stated that the involvement of caregivers in the intervention process is a substantial factor that contributes to the child 's progress in speech-language therapy. A caregiver refers to the individual who provides primary care to children. For the purpose of this study the term caregiver will be primarily used. A caregiver refers to any of the following individuals: a parent, guardian, foster parent and a grandparent (Merriam-Webster, 2018). The above terms will also be used interchangeably in this research study. …show more content…

Caregiver involvement in the therapy process is a significant factor that contributes to the child’s progress in therapy and in the improvement of speech intelligibility (Bowen and Cupples, 2006). Parental involvement in the speech-language therapy process has shown improvements in their child’s intelligibility of speech (Bowen & Cupples, 2004) as caregivers have more contact time with the child as opposed to receiving intervention solely from a Speech-Language Therapist. Additionally, the efficacy of parental involvement in PACT has been positively established (Bowen, 1996; Bowen and Cupples, 1999a; 1999b; Bowen and Cupples,

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