Sprint Corporation: Third Largest United States Telecommunication Company

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1.0 Introduction Sprint Corporation, third largest United States Telecommunication Company that provides wireless services and is also a major global internet carrier. This organization, served 54.3 million customers with 40,000 employees at the end of the second quarter of 2014. It also offers messaging, wireless voice and broadband services.The Company’s headquarter located in Overland Park, Kansas.Sprint's operations is significant, and the company places a critical importance on minimizing its Human Resource Management impact. This assignment, provides with future plans of Sprint Corporation and there are analyzed solutions in order to overcome Human Resource problems. 2.0 Future plans 2.1 Strategic plan Top management of the Sprint Corporation …show more content…

Owner of the company handles most of the HRM activities. Human Resource Management consists of a number of related activities, such as planning, recruiting, selection, compensation and so on. Now, let’s identify Sprint company HRM problems in several activities. 3.1 Human Resources Planning There is a problem with Forecasting human resource supply in this organization. Past two years, the company hired 200 employees. During that period some employees promoted and some of them move to another job. Take into account increase in customers within two years, the company assumes that they hired not enough employees, which means the company will have to hire 350 employees. Lack of workers is the main issue in Human Resource planning. 3.2 Recruitment In this competitive world, it is hard to attract well qualified job applicants. In this way, Sprint Corporation suffering to find the right applicants to open positions. It requires much time, and extremely high effort. 3.3 …show more content…

Working with employees, listening there job processes before making recommendations. Being open minded with employees also helps to improve training resources. Two ears and one mouth process. In training classes and lectures, professional training managers play an essential role. And they should be open-minded with employees unless knowing the root of reason being effectiveness toward their job, before making decision for recommendations. Technology tools. Using technological tools like Tableau, helps to collect data and gather feedback. This is the map which is helps to perform weak point of organizational performance. Additionally, it asses where employees looking for help and which question is popular in a social network. In order to solve problem, technology tool like internal and external social networks are amazing resources for enabling communication with employees. Sharing and communication will go a long ways towards interrupting performance problems, before they develop. 4.6 Solution for Compensation Paying additional reward for employees is a fabulous way to attract their job satisfaction. Sprint Company should offer an incentive payment addition to wage or salary. This reward should be given annually to every employee as distributed equally. The company also offer profit-sharing when it is annually over 30% than all

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