Squirrel Monkey Observation

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As we found the Squirrel Monkey exhibit in Monkey Village, we began preparing our data tables and papers to gather all the information needed. Firstly, we set aside around 10 minutes to draw the habitat and take pictures for future reference. Next, we began the initial sampling method, the ad-lib recording. In this type of recording, you call out and write down everything observed. We stood together in an area that we thought the monkeys were most populated and took the recordings. To best execute the ad-lib, one person was designated to write everything down and keep track of the time, while the other would call out anything they saw. The downside to the ad-lib sampling method is that if the animal is inactive or not interacting with others, the data tends to be sparse. However, this sampling method can be beneficial with active animals, and it gives you a chance to see the behavior of the animal before further exploring their actions. Before beginning the next sampling methods, we talked to a guide within the exhibit that gave us more information about squirrel monkeys. She gave us the names and colored beads of all the squirrel monkeys to help us depict and differentiate all the different monkeys. Additionally, the guide …show more content…

In this specific method, data must be observed and recorded based on a predetermined set of behaviors. This type of sampling method was more helpful than the social ethogram because it gave an overall analysis on their behavior and gave us the most information depicting how they would act if they were in the wild. While the social ethogram barely worked because squirrel monkeys tend to be a pretty independent animals with occasional but very rare interactions, for example, fighting or cuddling with their mothers. When we took the data barely anything showed up because none of their calls would really be useful being captivated, like their specific snake