Standardized Testing Essay

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"Assessment should be deliberately designed to improve and educate student performance, not merely to audit as most school tests currently do."(What Are Some Types of Assessment?, 2008, ¶2)
Testing and assessments are important component that lead to education’s process success. Principles, administrators, politics are using tests to assess weather or not they achieve their organizations strategic objectives. Using tests by classroom’s teacher can assist her\him to direct the learning objectives, or make some adjustment to help students’ achievements in the learning process. Organizations who widely using assessment are very productive and successful. Because of the need to test and assessment school leaders and educators should understand …show more content…

In 2002 the act No Child Left Behind (NCLB) of forcing testing every year in every state in the U.S cause increasing in the use of these tests. The U.S. students rank in math and science have declined from 18th in the world to 31st in 9 years, but remain the same in reading. So many different areas can cause the education to collapse, such as educators’ performance, and the increasing level of using the standardized tests.
The American Educational Research Association previous leader W. James Popham defined standardized tests as, "any test that is administered, scored, and interpreted in a standard, predetermined manner (¶4)." Tests include two parts, one is the multiple-choice questions, the other one is open-ended questions. Even though most types of standardized tests are being used, arguments on the high-stakes tests are varying. Tests scores have been used as a judgment tool for schools, teachers, and students. High score lead to a high score that can offer a federal and local funding, teachers’ payoff. On the other hand, low score will threaten students’ future and teachers’ work, and school’s