Statue Of Liberty Research Paper

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History of Statue of Liberty The Statue of Liberty stands alone in many different areas. Not many other buildings or monuments can equal the Statue of Liberty’s symbolism, it's height, or it’s ability to draw in millions of tourists every year. Nor can they match the interesting history of the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty displays American values such as liberty, freedom and the American dream to its viewers. It asks the viewers to commemorate the day when the Deceleration of Independence was signed, and the alliance between the U.S. and France. In 1865, a Frenchmen by the name Edouard de Laboulaye proposed making a monument for the United States. Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was hired in 1875 to help design this monument as …show more content…

It has been received well from the public and has been used for many different tasks over the years. During the years Ellis Island was in operation, the Statue of Liberty was a symbol to the immigrants that they have reached America. The torch of Lady Liberty was later used as a navigational tool for sailors. The different uses of the monument is one reason why the Statue of Liberty was received so well by the public. Although it was well received, funding for the Statue of Liberty from the American citizens did take a while and stalled several times. Eventually Americans warmed up to the idea of the monument and the monetary goal for funding was reached. Recently the controversy surrounding the inscription on the Statue of Liberty has grown. The words “Give me your tired, your poor”, and “Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me” are some of the words in the inscription that have led to some debates. There is controversy over whether or not these words were referring to immigration. Some believe it directly correlates with immigration while others believe the Statue of Liberty gained the symbolism of immigration long after the inscription was added, and that those words in the inscription weren't meant to represent immigration. Trump’s immigration plan has recently sparked the debates on the meaning of the inscription because the plan restricts some from being able