Stephen Marche's How Shakespeare Changed Everything

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The story of Romeo and Juliet is simple: two young souls fall in love. Suddenly turning from a story into a tragedy, many have tried to figure out what Shakespeare was thinking while writing this play. Others have just turned the play into something understandable. And even others try to twist Romeo and Juliet into something more than just a play. As a matter of fact, Stephen Marche wrote “How Shakespeare Changed Everything”, and it proposes that Romeo and Juliet (and in turn, Shakespeare) has created the whole idea of teenagers because these humans are in the transition between adult and child; however Shakespeare wrote plays, not world-changing phenomenons and therefore is not relevant to today’s society. Marche says that the rebellion of …show more content…

Marche says, “Shakespeare described the terrifying beauty of the adolescent so early in its development, and so definitively and so thoroughly…”, which does not take into the account that fact Shakespeare wrote a story about star crossed lovers. Even in the prologue Shakespeare directed the chorus to say, “A pair of star-crossed lovers”. Shakespeare wrote a play about 2 teenagers falling madly in love and end up being dead at the end. Any emotions or actions procured in this play were because the characters were basically insane. It is easy to tell that Juliet and Romeo were not thinking clearly before they died. Juliet drank a sleeping potion just to escape the best thing for her, and Romeo killed himself without talking with the Friar beforehand. If every teenager today was star crossed with another, then yes, Shakespeare would be relevant in the world today, but the reality is that most teens today are logic thinking and not clouded by emotions. Also Marche made no mention of the Friar or the nurse, who were basically the demise of Romeo and Juliet. These two adult characters, clearly not in their teens, were not thinking through their actions. If adults were acting like the teens in this play, then the teens just would be