
Stereotypes In Disney Movies

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Everyone loves a happy ending right? The one where the Prince and Princess falls in love, defeats some villain and they ‘live happily ever after’. Everyone loves a good Disney movie but should it be something that we teach the young girls of our society? These movies show little girls that to be beautiful you have be tall, skinny and have perfect skin and that anything that is old or unnatural is considered evil. It also teaches them that to live a happy and successful life you need to find a man. The lives these Disney princesses lead show that once you meet ‘the one’ all of your problems will be disappear and all you have to do is sit around and wait. These movies subconsciously teach girls bad habits that could one day hurt them. 1. The Little Mermaid …show more content…

Ariel starts off the movie as a rebellious teen who loved to explore the depths of the oceans which I thought would inspire young adolescent girls to be independent and adventurous. But the moment she sees Prince Eric she instantly ‘falls in love’. Love at first sight doesn’t exist. It is not ok to be teaching little girls to fall in love based on face value because love is not just about looks. Ariel gives away her voice for a guy that she hasn’t even met. So when they did meet Ariel had no way of communicating with him. This teaches little girls that communication isn’t important when in fact it is the most key part. After defeating the villain she then proceeds to marry a man that she knows next to nothing about and she then leaves her family and everything she knows behind. Shouldn't we be teaching little girls that family is the most important thing in life and that we should cherish

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