Stereotypes In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet And The Teenage Brain

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Romeo and Juliet and the Teenage Brain There are many stereotypes regarding teenagers. One of these stereotypes is that they are always getting into trouble because of the decisions they are making. A famous example is the play, Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet are from rivaling families, the Montagues and the Capulets. They fell in love and had to hide this from their parents. Romeo killed Juliet's cousin in a duel so he got banished. After Romeo left Juliet found out she was betrothed to another man. They devised a plan that she would pretend to be dead using a temporary sleep serum. Romeo did not know about this but when he heard that Juliet had died he rushed to see her. When he saw her dead he killed himself with poison. Shortly after Juliet woke up, saw Romeo dead, and killed herself using a dagger. As you can see Romeo and Juliet made some impulsive decisions that lead to dire consequences because of the effects, adaptation, and development of the teenage brain. There are many …show more content…

“Then plainly know my heart's dear love is set On the fair daughter of rich Capulet: As mine on hers, so hers is set on mine;...but this I pray, That thou consent to marry us today” (Line 1117). This quote shows impulsivity of Romeo. He made the decision to marry someone he met only a few hours earlier. This is a huge example of impulsive decision-making in teenagers. In Romeo and Juliet their brains are adapted to their times and part of their decision-making is based on their environment. Your brain is constantly adapting to the environment (Development of the Young Brain). Teenagers' brains today have adapted to technology and constant multitasking very well. It has become normal for people to have technology and use a phone or computer all day. Teenagers' brains have adapted to the world around them and this can affect the decisions that they