Stereotypes In Snow White

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In the original fairytale Little Snow-White is portrayed as a clueless, helpless yet a beautiful girl. However, in the modern film Snow White and the Huntsman Snow White is portrayed as a strong, independent and a beautiful woman. These changes were made in order to show the real strength and bravery in Snow White that wasn’t portrayed in the original fairy tale. According to the original fairytale it makes very clear how beauty has a major impact on the entire story. In the original fairytale it says, “Because she was so beautiful the huntsman took pity on her, and said, ‘Run away, you poor child’”. This shows how the huntsman took into consideration her looks. He didn’t even slightly think about her bright future or the fact he was going to kill a child. All he …show more content…

In the fairytale Snow White wold never have been able to do this. She would have had to go find a man to do this all for her. Therefore it proves how they changed gender role stereotypes to show how powerful women can be in this particular fairytale. Another piece of evidence is how some things didn’t change in the newer version such as “the huntsman couldn’t do his duty to the queen and kill Snow White” (Rupert Sanders). This also shows how some things never did change, in the movie they didn’t make it clear if they didn’t kill her just because of her looks or if it was more just he couldn’t kill anyone. This still is similar to the original fairytale. One last piece of evidence showing how they portrayed Snow White as a strong capable woman is “Snow White led the army to go kill the queen” (Ruper Sanders). This shows once again how Snow WHite has come such a far way. Snow White didn’t need a man with her at all times and she wasn’t stupid. In the original fairytale Snow White wasn’t capable of anything by herself; she always needed a man or someone to help her but now it shows how strong and independent she