Stereotypes Of Schizophrenia Essay

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The next subtypes are Residual Type which is when a person is in a transitional stage between full schizophrenia and complete remission. And Undifferentiated Type that means the patient have positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia but do not meet the specific measure for the paranoid, disorganized, or catatonic subtypes. And the last subtype is Paranoid Type this is the combination delusions and hearing voices, with more nearly normal emotions and cognitive functioning.
II. History
First the past history of schizophrenia will get talked about which starts with: In 1911 the Swiss psychiatrist Paul Eugen Bleuler, even though it goes back several thousands of years, he created the term “Schizophrenia” he brought it from the Greek words ‘Schizo” meaning split and “phren” meaning mind. He also the first to begin and splits the symptoms as “positive’ and ‘negative’ symptoms terms we use in modern day. Because of the meaning of the words split up many people thought that schizophrenia meaning was ‘split personality’. The word schizophrenia was chosen to indicate the separation between thinking, memory, perception, and also personality. …show more content…

Morelater into the late 1800s, doctors and scientist started become more and more familiar and better drip of schizophrenia. In 1871 created the grip ‘hebephrenia’ Ewald Hecker for other with symptoms of cognitive disorganization and more.
But around today's era there is still no type of cure for schizophrenia. There is still plenty of knowledge to learn from this disorder even while much progress is getting put into the search of it still. Maybe one day, as the days go on, there will be treatments to ultimately or better, like a cure or a way to stop the disorder from